I'm a mom!

I'm a mom!

Hello everyone and a late happy new year!

2018 has passed in a blink of an eye. It was definitely one of my best years so far, as the arrival of our precious baby girl Chloe. The past few months have gone crazily and I still can’t believe that I’m already a mom! She is now five month old and likes rolling and exploring. Everyday has been a bundle of joy with my baby. As a mom of a 5 month old, I have a lot that I would like to share with you.

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Cold Shoulder Metallic Evening Dress

Cold Shoulder Metallic Evening Dress

Hello everyone!

With fall finally making its way in Houston, it's nice to walk around in the uptown area while enjoying the cool air and city view. I usually walk around in my casual outfits, tee shirts paired with leggings and sneakers, but tonight I felt like dressing up a bit. I threw on this metallic cold shoulder evening dress, which I bought in China in a boutique store, and went for my evening walk .

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